Prince Louis affectionately grabs his doting grandad's face..

Little Louis affectionately grabs Prince Charles' face in never-before-seen photographs
A newly released photograph shows Charles's youngest grandchild planting a little hand on his face during a family photoshoot (main). The charming image illustrates a point friends of Charles have been making recently: he has found a    new level of contentment thanks to his growing family. Already a grandfather three times over and with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex expecting a baby next year, the prince is facing the future happier than anyone has ever seen him. The pictures released by Clarence House last night also show Charles chuckling with delight as he cuddles Louis at the photoshoot (left), held in September ahead of his 70th birthday last week. The Prince of Wales can also be seen working on the Royal Train (bottom right) and feeding his chickens in the grounds of the estate (top right).
